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A new website for Single Fathers Due to Cancer has been launched as a way to help fathers more easily find resources and support.

The website includes common experiences of these bereaved husbands and fathers, resources to support their children, and helpful organizations and resource information.

Justin Yopp, PhD, program coordinator for Single Fathers Due to Cancer, explains, “Each year, thousands of men mourn the loss of their wives to cancer while adjusting to their new role as sole parents. At the same time that they are struggling with their own grief, they are also trying to shepherd their children through this difficult time. Remarkably, there are very few resources available for this population of fathers.”

“For these reasons, we feel it is imperative to learn about their experiences and offer targeted interventions to facilitate their adjustment. We recently launched a new website ( to help these fathers through this difficult time.”

“The site also includes a research survey that fathers are invited to complete so that we can learn more about their coping and adjustment needs.”

Results from the UNC Institutional Review Board-approved study will help program faculty develop interventions to lessen the burden of future generations of fathers and their children.

The Single Fathers Due to Cancer Program includes a monthly support group for fathers and their children. Donald Rosenstein, MD, director of the UNC Comprehensive Cancer Support Program, co- leads the support group and the Single Fathers Program.

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